^^CO3-- HCO3- Carbonati.

Carbonated water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CO2 Carbon dioxide
H2CO3 acido carbonico  


ione carbonato

carbonate ion


  ione bicarbonato

hydrogen carbonate


Carbonato di sodio

Sodium carbonate

soda Solvay ? 

"soda" or "natron"

K2CO3   potash potassa

carbonato di potassio

NaHCO3     bicarbonato di sodio, o idrogenocarbonato di sodio
KHCO3       bicarbonato di potassio


Struttura dello ione carbonato

The Lewis structure of the carbonate ion has two (long) single bonds to negative oxygen atoms, and one short double bond to a neutral oxygen Simple, localised Lewis structure of the carbonate ion.

This structure is incompatible with the observed symmetry of the ion, which implies that the three bonds are equally long and that the three oxygen atoms are equivalent. As in the case of the isoelectronic nitrate ion, the symmetry can be achieved by a resonance between three structures. This resonance can be summarized by a model with fractional bonds and delocalized charges:



bicarbonato di sodio, o idrogenocarbonato di sodio, o carbonato acido di sodio.

Sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate