
La geometria intesa come studio delle invarianze e permanenze delle figure.

I diversi livelli di geometria

vedi schema.
topologia; topologia uniforme (omogeneo); proiettiva; affine; simile; rigida.

Per l'aspetto vettoriale vanno considerati gli spazi vettoriali.

Lo spazio vettoriale-topologico guarda entrambi gli aspetti.

Geometria piana, sferica, iperbolica

Triangoli piani, sferici, iperbolici.

Triangoloidi.  >>>

Tipi di geometria


Geometria non commutativa

If you cleave the hearth of one drop of water
a hundred pure oceans emerge from it.
(Mahmud Shabistari, Gulshan-i-raz)

We have decided to contribute to the volume of the IPM lectures on noncommutative geometry a text that collects a list of examples of noncommutative spaces. As the quote of the Sufi poet here above suggests, it is often better to approach a new subject by analyzing specific examples rather than presenting the general theory. We hope that the diversity of examples the readers will encounter in this text will suffice to convince them of the fact that noncommutative geometry is a very rich field in rapid evolution, full of interesting and yet unexplored landscapes.




ix Geometria analitica, o cartesiana.